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Your registration is registered!

Partner Program

> Subscribing

How to register?

  1. You submit your application by filling in the form below (free of charge, without obligation).
  2. We validate your application or contact you.
  3. You will receive a confirmation email with the General Terms and Conditions, at the same time we open your access to your Store Commander partner space.
  4. To fully benefit from the SC partner program, you validate the GTC online in your partner area.
  5. Congratulations! We are now partners :)
  6. You have access to all the tools for affiliation, tracking, communication and follow-up of your affiliates.
  7. You have a privileged access to our support and partnership service.
Le champ SMS doit contenir entre 6 et 19 chiffres et inclure le code pays sans utiliser +/0 (ex. : 33xxxxxxxxx pour la France)